What is Milestone 2?
All your hard work has paid off, and here in Milestone 2 you reintroduce food, with ongoing support, education and nutritional advice.
What to expect?
You’ve completed the active weight-loss Milestone and you’re well on your way – you’re on track to achieving your weight-loss goals and because of this you're likely to experience changes in your blood sugar levels. With ongoing support from your Milestones DM2 dietitian and diabetes specialist nurse, plus recipe ideas and healthy eating advice, top tips & tricks for staying on track, you transition back to a manageable, healthy diet over 4 weeks.
Throughout this time you will be in frequent contact with your dedicated dietitian via the app (iOS, Androïd) or by telephone, with whom you can discuss your progress and achievements, plus any worries, concerns or challenges you might be facing. Your dietitian will support you every step of the way, along with your app and the information provided on this website.
Stay positive
There will be times when you’re tempted to return to previous eating and activity habits. But be confident in how far you have come – you’ve achieved your goals in Milestone 1, so build on what you’ve learnt and feel ready and prepared to return to food by creating a new and improved healthy eating lifestyle. An important part of this is to identify situations that might be ‘high-risk’, and create a plan with your dietitian to deal with these situations.