Low Protein Foods Support Products Disorders of Protein Metabolism Disorders of Fat Metabolism Glycogen Storage Disease Ketogenic Diet Drug Resistant Epilepsy (DRE) Paediatric Kidney Disease Adult Kidney Disease Nutrition Support Trial Products Low Protein Foods ProZero Neutral 1L - 6x1L - (21AR00B00A33)ProZero Neutral 250ml - 18x250ml - (21AR00A01A90)ProZero Chocolate 250ml - 18x250ml Vitabite - 7x25g - (20AP20A00B12)Mini Crackers - 15x40g - (23AL18A00A93)Fate All Purpose Mix- 1x500g - (22AL00A00A77)Fate Cake Mix - 2x250g - (22AL00B00A32)Fate Chocolate Cake Mix - 2x250g - (22AL20B00A49)Mevalia Bread Mix - 500g - (91MO00K00B13)Mevalia Ciabattine - 260g - (91MH00F00B12)Mevalia Cookies - 200g - (91MN20D00B45)Mevalia Ditali - 500g - (91MS00K00B44)Mevalia Frollini - 200g - (91MJ00D00B41)Mevalia Fruit Bar - 5x25g - (91ME13B00B92)Mevalia Fusilli - 500g - (91MG00K00B54)Mevalia Lattis - 500g - (91MR00K00B72)Mevalia Pan Carre - 300g - (91MC00G00A01)Mevalia Pane Casereccio - 220g - (91MT00E00B45)Mevalia Penne - 500g - (91MF00K00B64)Mevalia Pizza - 300g - (91MD00G00B21)Mevalia Spaghetti - 500g - (91ML00K00B78)Mevalia Chocotino - 100g - (91MI20A00B54)Mevalia Rice Replacer - 400g - (91MP00J00B58) Includes: Prozero, Vitabite, Mini Crackers, FATE and our Mevalia Low Protein Range. Quantity/Batch Needed Support Products Basecal 200- 30x43g - (51AL00B00A55)Fruitivits - 30x6g - (32AL00A00A95)Fruitivits Sample - 10x6g - (32SF00C00A10)Flavourpac Blackcurrant - 30x4g - (25AL10A00B82)Flavourpac Orange - 30x4g - (25AL02A00B97)Flavourpac Raspberry - 30x4g - (25AL08A00B37)Flavourpac Sample - 8x4g - (25SF19D00A91)Flavourpac Tropical - 30x4g - (25AL07A00B12)Cystine 500 - 30x4g - (19AX00G00A04)Isoleucine 50 - 30x4g - (19BA00F00A61)Leucine 100 - 30x4g - (19BB00A00A03)Phenylalanine 50 - 30x4g - (19BH00F00A77)Tyrosine 1000 - 30x4g - (19BJ00B00A20)Valine 50 - 30x4g - (19BL00F00A53)Doc Omega - 30x4g - (29AL00A00B45)Key Omega - 30x4g - (29AL00B00B66)SOS 10 - 30x21g - (31AL00A00A27)SOS 15 - 30x31g - (31AL00B00A51)SOS 20 - 30x42g - (31AL00C00A68)SOS 25 - 30x52g - (31AL00D00A85)Vitajoule - 1x500g - (38AK00C00A88) Includes: Basecal, Fruitivits, Single Dose Amino Acids, FlavourPacs, DocOmega, KeyOmega and SOS. Quantity/Batch Needed Select which disorder: PKU MSUD TYR HCU MMA/PA GA IVA UCD PDE Please select your samples Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorder Lipistart - 1x400g - (27AO00A01B31)MCTprocal - 30x16g - (26AL00A00A23)MCTprocal Sample- 12x16g - (26AL00Z00A90) Includes: MCTprocal... Quantity/Batch Needed Glycogen Storage Disease Glycosade Unflavoured Sample - 3x60g - (28SF00E00A46)Glycosade Lemon Sample - 3x60g - (28SF09E00A54) Quantity/Batch Needed Ketogenic Diet K.Flo - 24x250ml - (58AR00A00B47)K.Flo Sample- 2x250ml - (58SH00E00A11)K.Quik- 15x225ml - (59AM00A00A49)K.Quik Sample - 2x225ml - (59SH00A00A13)K.Yo Chocolate- 36x100g - (56AN20C00A12)K.Yo Chocolate Cluster- 4x100g - (56SI20A00A65)K.Yo Vanilla- 36x100g - (56AN21C00A30)K.Yo Vanilla Cluster- 4x100g - (56SI21A00A48)Fruitivits - 30x6g - (32AL00A00A95)Fruitivits Sample - 10x6g - (32SF00C00A10)MCTprocal Sample - 12x16g - (26AL00Z00A90)MCTprocal - 30x16g - (26AL00A00A23) Quantity/Batch Needed Drug Resistant Epilepsy K.Vita Sample Pack - 2x120ml - (55SH00A00A65) K.Vita - 30x120ml - (55AQ00A00B46) Quantity/Batch Needed Kidney Disease Renastart - 1x400g - (45AO00A03A77)Renastep - 24x125ml - (57AM00A00A62)Vitajoule - 1x500g - (38AK00C00A88) Quantity/Batch Needed Nutrition Support Pro-Cal Powder - 510g - (43AK00E00B78)Pro-Cal Powder- 30x15g - (43AL00B00B24)Pro-Cal Powder Starter Pack - 8x15g - (43SF00B19B11)Pro-Cal Shot Banana - 6x120ml - (43AM12M00D60)Pro-Cal Shot Neutral - 6x120ml - (43AM00M00D30) Pro-Cal Shot Starter Pack- 3x120ml - (43SH19B00A44)Pro-Cal Shot Strawberry - 6x120ml - (43AM13M00D98)Vitajoule - 1x500g - (38AK00C00A88)Fruitivits Sample - 10x6g - (32SF00C00A10)MCTprocal Sample - 12x16g - (26AL00Z00A90) Includes: Preload, Pro-Cal Shot, Pro-Cal Powder, Vitajoule... Quantity/Batch Needed Trial Products Arginine 5000 Laminate Trial - 1x7.6g - (SA/T0101A)Arginine 5000 Laminate Trial - 1x7.6g - (SA/T0101B)Comida PKU B Fml Trial Trivium - 500g - (TC008A)Comida PKU B Fml Trl ES28+Pmx - 500g - (TC005A)Comida PKU B Formula EG Trial - 400g - (TC011A)Comida PKU B Frm Trial Picomel - 500g - (T0174A)Comida PKU B Trial Picomel - 500g - (T0173A)Comida URC B Fml Trl ES28+Pmx - 500g - (TC006A)Comida URC B Formula EG Trial - 400g - (TC012A)Comidagen End Game Trial - 1x400g - (T0155A)Comidagen Plus End Game Trial - 1x400g - (T0155B)Creatine 5000 AA 1x6g Trial - (SA/T0117A)EAA Supp 1x12.5g Lam Trial - (SA/T0172A)FlavourPac Trop Laminate Trial - 1x4g - (SA/T0102C)Fruitivits 1x6g Trial - (SA/T0095A)Fruitivits 1x6g Trial - (SA/T0095B)GA Five AA Lam Trial 1x6g - (SA/T0175A)Glycosade Unf Laminate Trial - Constantia - (SA/T0103B)HCU Express Plus 15 Trl 1x25g - (SA/T0179A)K.Vita Trial - 30x120ml - (T0137C)K.Yo Berry Trial - 4x100g - (T0159A)MCT Procal 1x16g Trial - (SA/T0118A)MSUD Express 15 Ren 1x25g Trl - 25BOPP-18METOPP-60PE - (SA/T0125D)MSUD Express Plus 20 Trl 1x34g - 25BOPP-18METOPP-60PE - (SA/T0110B)MSUD Five AA Constant Trl 1x6g - (SA/T0150A)MSUD Gel Unfl 1x24g trial - (SA/T0178A)PDE Reach Laminate Trial 1x18g - Constantia - (SA/T0051B)Pink Low Mineral Trial - 1x400g - (T0146A)PKU Cooler 15 Ora Sus. Trial - 30x130ml - (T0182A)PKU Cooler 15 Pur Sus. Trial - 30x130ml - (T0183A)PKU Cooler 15 Red Sus. Trial - 30x130ml - (T0160A)PKU Cooler 15 Whi Sus. Trial - 30x130ml - (T0181A)PKU Cooler 15 Yell Sus. Trial - 30x130ml - (T0161A)PKU Cooler 20 White Sus. Trial - 30x174ml - (T0162A)PKU Explore 10 Ora Trial 1x25g - Constantia - (SA/T0151A)PKU Express 15 Unf Ren Trl - Constantia2 - (SA/T0077H)PKU Express Plus 15 Trl 1x25g - (SA/T0180A)PKU Express Plus 15 Tro 1x25g - Lam Trial 25BOPP-18METOPP-60PE - (SA/T0169A)PKU Gel Unflavoured 1x24g Trl - OPM - (SA/T0128C)PKU Motion 10 Red Fruit Trial - 30x70ml - (T0165A)PKU Motion 10 Red Fruit Trial - 30x70ml - (T0165B)PKU Motion 10 Sunny Frt Trial - 30x70ml - (T0167A)PKU Motion 10 Tropical Trial - 30x70ml - (T0166A)PKU Motion 10 Tropical Trial - 30x70ml - (T0166B)PKU Motion 20 Red Fruit Trial - 30x70ml - (T0165C)PKU Motion 20 Tropical Trial - 30x70ml - (T0166C)PKU Sphere 15 Jun Trial Tray - 24x180ml - (SA/T0109E)PKU Sphere 20 Ban Trl1x35g - B0824_V0 - (SA/T0154A)PKU Sphere 20 Ban Trl1x35g - B0824_V1 - (SA/T0154B)PKU Sphere 20 Ban Trl1x35g - B0824_V2 - (SA/T0154C)PKU Sphere 20 Ban Trl1x35g - B0824_V3 - (SA/T0154D)PKU Sphere 20 RB 1x35g Trial - (SA/T0136A)PKU Sphere 20 Van 1x35g Trial - (SA/T0136B)PKU Sphere Next Sample Pack - 6x180ml - (T0109F)PKU Start Clinical Trial - 6x400g - (T0158A)PKU UP Trial - 24x180ml - (T0109E)Preload 1x50g Lam Trial - Constantia - (SA/T0078A)Procal 1x15g Lam Trial - (SA/T0097B)Procal 1x15g Lam Trial - (SA/T0097C)Procal 1x510g Trial - (T0104C)SOS 10 1x21g Trial - Constantia - (SA/T0096B)SOS 10 1x21g Trial - OPM - (SA/T0096C)SOS 25 1x52g Trial - (SA/T0096A)TYR Explore 5 1x12.5g trial - (SA/T0176A)TYR Express Plus 20 Unf 1x34g - Lam Trial 25BOPP-18METOPP-60PE - (SA/T0170A)Valine 1000 AA 1x4g Trial - Lam Trial BOPP 25/MET BOPP 18 - (SA/T0171A)Valine 50 AA 1x4g Trial - (SA/T0116A) Quantity/Batch Needed PKU PKU Start - 4x400g - (10AF00M00A45)PKU Squeezie Sample- 7x85g - (10SD11A00B67)PKU Squeezie App & Ban - 30x85g - (10AD11E00B13)PKU Explore 5 Sample- 10x12.5g - (10SL00A00A51)PKU Explore 5 Unflav - 30x12.5g - (10BN00O00A84)PKU Explore 10 Orange - 30x25g - (10BN02P00A23)PKU Explore 10 Raspberry - 30x25g - (10BN08P00A40)PKU Explore 10 Sample- 12x25g - (10SL19B00A54)PKU Air 15 Gold - 30x130ml - (10BM05B00A45)PKU Air 15 Green - 30x130ml - (10BM06B00A39)PKU Air 15 Red - 30x130ml - (10BM01B00A81)PKU Air 15 Sample- 10x130ml - (10SE19C00A31)PKU Air 15 White - 30x130ml - (10BM04B00A35)PKU Air 15 Yellow - 30x130ml - (10BM22B00A98)PKU Air 20 Gold - 30x174ml - (10BM05C00A96)PKU Air 20 Green - 30x174ml - (10BM06C00A53)PKU Air 20 Red - 30x174ml - (10BM01C00A64)PKU Air 20 Sample- 10x174ml - (10SE19D00A22)PKU Air 20 White - 30x174ml - (10BM04C00A60)PKU Air 20 Yellow - 30x174ml - (10BM22C00A32)PKU Bump'er Box - (10SK19A00B10)PKU Cooler 10 Orange - 30x87ml - (10AC02A00C58)PKU Cooler 10 Purple - 30x87ml - (10AC03A00C40)PKU Cooler 10 Red - 30x87ml - (10AC01A00C32)PKU Cooler 10 Sample- 10x87ml - (10SC19D00A45)PKU Cooler 10 White - 30x87ml - (10AC04A00C24)PKU Cooler 10 Yellow - 30x87ml - (10AC22A00A45)PKU Cooler 15 Orange - 30x130ml - (10AC02B00C80)PKU Cooler 15 Purple - 30x130ml - (10AC03B00C03)PKU Cooler 15 Red - 30x130ml - (10AC01B00C75)PKU Cooler 15 Sample - 10x130ml - (10SC19E00A31)PKU Cooler 15 White - 30x130ml - (10AC04B00C70)PKU Cooler 15 Yellow - 30x130ml - (10AC22B00A91)PKU Cooler 20 Orange - 30x174ml - (10AC02C00C96)PKU Cooler 20 Purple - 30x174ml - (10AC03C00C85)PKU Cooler 20 Red - 30x174ml - (10AC01C00C42)PKU Cooler 20 Sample- 10x174ml - (10SC19F00A22)PKU Cooler 20 White - 30x174ml - (10AC04C00C02)PKU Cooler 20 Yellow - 30x174ml - (10AC22C00A60)PKU Express Plus 15 Lemon - 30x25g - (10BP09B00A31)PKU Express Plus 15 Orange- 30x25g - (10BP02B00A62)PKU Express Plus 15 Tropical- 30x25g - (10BP07B00A16)PKU Express Plus 15 Unflavoured- 30x25g - (10BP00B00A10)PKU Express Plus 20 Lemon- 30x34g - (10BP09C00A32)PKU Express Plus 20 Orange- 30x34g - (10BP02C00A16)PKU Express Plus 20 Tropical- 30x34g - (10BP07C00A68)PKU Express Plus 20 Unflavoured- 30x34g - (10BP00C00A34)PKU Express Plus 15 Sample- 10x25g - (10SM19A19B86)PKU Express Plus 20 Sample - 10x34g - (10SM19B19B85)PKU Sphere 15 Chocolate - 30x27g - (10BO20B00A23)PKU Sphere 15 Red Berry - 30x27g - (10BO23B00A62)PKU Sphere 15 Sample Red Berry/Vanilla/Chocolate - 9x27g - (10SJ19E00A88)PKU Sphere 15 Vanilla - 30x27g - (10BO21B00A11)PKU Sphere 20 Banana - 30x35g - (10BO12C00A61)PKU Sphere 20 Chocolate - 30x35g - (10BO20C00A39)PKU Sphere 20 Lemon - 30x35g - (10BO09C00A63)PKU Sphere 20 Red Berry - 30x35g - (10BO23C00A90)PKU Sphere 20 Vanilla- 30x35g - (10BO21C00A31)PKU Sphere 20 Sample Lemon/Banana- 8x35g - (10SJ19A00A38)PKU Sphere 20 Sample Red Berry/Vanilla/Chocolate- 9x35g - (10SJ19D00A66)PKU Sphere 20 Liquid Sample Vanilla - 6x237ml - (10SH21F00A46)PKU Sphere 20 Liquid Vanilla - 15x237ml - (10BR21N00A64)PKU Sphere 20 Liquid Chocolate- 15x237ml - (10BR20N00A45) PKU Sphere 20 Liquid Chocolate Sample- 6x237ml - (10SH20F00A12)Mevalia PKU Motion 10 Red Fruit - 30x70ml - (90MA25A00B86)Mevalia PKU Motion 10 Tropical - 30x70ml - (90MA07A00B87)Mevalia PKU Motion 20 Red Fruit - 30x140ml - (90MA25B00B10)Mevalia PKU Motion 20 Tropical - 30x140ml - (90MA07B00B30) Quantity/Batch Needed MSUD MSUD Explore 5 - 30x12.5g - (11BN00O00A34)MSUD Explore 5 Sample- 10x12.5g - (11SL00A00A73)MSUD Cooler 10 Red - 30x87ml - (11AC01A00C54)MSUD Cooler 10 Sample- 6x87ml - (11SC01G00A75)MSUD Cooler 15 Orange - 30x130ml - (11AC02B00C49)MSUD Cooler 15 Red - 30x130ml - (11AC01B00C80)MSUD Cooler 15 Sample- 6x130ml - (11SC19H00A29)MSUD Cooler 20 Red - 30x174ml - (11AC01C00C66)MSUD Cooler 20 Sample- 6x174ml - (11SC01I00A33)MSUD Express 15 - 30x25g - (11AB00B00D67)MSUD Express 15 Sample- 10x25g - (11SB00D00A77)MSUD Express 20 - 30x34g - (11AB00C00A35)MSUD Amino5 - 30x6g - (11AJ00H00A88) Quantity/Batch Needed HCU HCU Explore 5 Sample - 10x12.5g - (12SL00A00A57)HCU Explore 5 - 30x12.5g - (12BN00O00A79)HCU Cooler 10 Red - 30x87ml - (12AC01A00C46)HCU Cooler 10 Sample- 6x87ml - (12SC01G00A97)HCU Cooler 15 Orange - 30x130ml - (12AC02B00C67)HCU Cooler 15 Red - 30x130ml - (12AC01B00C32)HCU Cooler 15 Sample- 6x130ml - (12SC19H00A14)HCU Cooler 20 Red - 30x174ml - (12AC01C00C35)HCU Cooler 20 Sample- 6x174ml - (12SC01I00A22)HCU Express 15 - 30x25g - (12AB00B00A53)HCU Express 15 Sample- 10x25g - (12SB00D00A88)HCU Express 20 Sample- 10x34g - (12SB00E00A83)HCU Express 20 - 30x34g - (12AB00C00A40) Quantity/Batch Needed TYR TYR Explore 5 Sample - 10x12.5g - (13SL00A00A91)TYR Explore 5 - 30x12.5g - (13BN00O00A01)TYR Cooler 10 Red - 30x87ml - (13AC01A00C74)TYR Cooler 10 Sample- 6x87ml - (13SC01G00A88)TYR Cooler 15 Orange- 30x130ml - (13AC02B00C80)TYR Cooler 15 Red - 30x130ml - (13AC01B00C66)TYR Cooler 15 Sample- 6x130ml - (13SC19H00A91)TYR Cooler 20 Red - 30x174ml - (13AC01C00C17)TYR Cooler 20 Sample- 6x174ml - (13SC01I00A45)TYR Express 15 Sample- 10x25g - (13SB00D00A23)TYR Express 15 - 30x25g - (13AB00B00A97)TYR Express 20 - 30x34g - (13AB00C00A61)TYR Sphere 20 Red Berry - 30x35g - (13BO23C00A34)TYR Sphere 20 Sample Red Berry- 6x35g - (13SJ23F00A28)TYR Sphere 20 Sample Red Berry/Vanilla- 8x35g - (13SJ19A00A98)TYR Sphere 20 Vanilla - 30x35g - (13BO21C00A65) Quantity/Batch Needed MMA/PA MMA/PA Explore 5 Sample- 10x12.5g - (15SL00A00A79)MMA/PA Explore 5 - 30x12.5g - (15BN00E00A99)MMA/PA Cooler 15 Red - 30x130ml - (15AC01A00C45)MMA/PA Express 15 - 30x25g - (15AB00A00A58)MMA/PA Amino5- 30x6g - (15AJ00D00A49) Quantity/Batch Needed GA GA Explore 5 Sample - 10x12.5g - (14SL00A00A43)GA Explore 5 - 30x12.5g - (14BN00G00A68)GA amino5 - GA Amino5 - 30x6g - (14AJ00F00A32) Quantity/Batch Needed IVA IVA Cooler 15 Red - 30x130ml - (16AC01A00C16) Quantity/Batch Needed UCD amino5 and EAA Supplement UCD Amino5 - 30x6.6g - (18AJ00C00A64)EAA Supplement - 30x12.5g - (17AL07B00B47) Quantity/Batch Needed PDE reach PDE Reach - 30x18g - (61AL08A00A90) Quantity/Batch Needed Name Vitaflo Email Address Delivered to: Vitaflo Head Office Home Address Address Post Code Delivery Telephone Number: I agree to Vitaflo processing my personal data as set out in the Privacy Policy. 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