Compleat® paediatric is now available in 250ml format with ENFit compatible SimpLink connection. The 250ml format can be used in the following ways
- Attached directly to the gastrostomy for a direct 250ml bolus using SimpLink® technique - please watch the video below for tutorial
- Connect to a pump, using a universal adaptor or screw-cap giving set - please watch the video below for a tutorial
- Support a blended diet as a top-up as part of Compleat® paediatric recipes
- Syringe bolus method
Watch Parent Experience
Watch Dietitian's Experience
This video covers the following key product information:
- Ingredients
- Sizing
- What is Compleat Paeditric Simplink?
- Key characteristics
- Product demonstration*
Compleat® paediatric SimpLink® - Bolus Technique
Compleat® paediatric SimpLink® - Pump Method
Nestlé Health Science proudly offer a product Sample Service, delivering direct to your patients. To request your sample of Compleat® paediatric, simply click on the button below and follow the short sign up process. This will allow you to request your Compleat® paediatric sample as well as other Nestlé Health Science product samples available via the service.

Please note Compleat® is currently available for hospital use only