Growth problems are used to describe poor growth, or the growth failure in a baby. Stature and growth problems are a sign of undernutrition, which a baby may experience for a number of reasons. Height and weight gain are fastest during a baby’s first year. In general, a baby’s length may increase by 50% from birth to 12 months.
Why does my baby have stature and growth problems?
It is possible that your baby may have a food allergy, e.g. Cows’ Milk Allergy (CMA). In addition, parents may also not be offering their baby enough food, your baby may have a small appetite or they may have a problem with their digestive system, e.g. frequent reflux, or diarrhoea.
Could my baby’s growth problems be because of Cows' Milk Allergy?
Baby growth problems can be common in babies with CMA.
Babies with CMA usually experience more than just one symptom and these symptoms can be very different from one another.
If you think that your baby has growth problems, it could be CMA. You may have even noticed other symptoms (besides stature and growth problems), which may affect other parts of your baby’s body.

For a simple and easy way to understand the symptoms associated with CMA, you can use our symptom checklist or symptom diary to track symptoms.
This will allow you to select all the symptoms that your baby may have that may be cows’ milk-related. You can then discuss these with your doctor.
In any case, if you have any doubts or concerns about your baby’s health, you should always seek advice from a medical professional as soon as possible. The information on this website should not replace medical advice from a medical professional.
SmilesBack App
Cows’ milk allergy (CMA) is a common food allergy in baby’s and young children but it is often challenging to diagnose and may take many months and doctors appointments. If you suspect that your baby might have cows’ milk allergy, you can use SmilesBack to help shorten the journey to diagnosis and help put smiles back where they belong.
SmilesBack is an easy-to-use app that has been developed with allergy experts and tested by parents. It enables you to easily record your baby’s symptoms and feeds and summarise them in a one-page, expert-designed report, to support your doctor before they make a diagnosis.