Weight loss is a common recommendation for people with type 2 diabetes

Many people are overweight when they are first diagnosed and excess fat increases their insulin resistance.1 A restricted calorie diet has the potential to both reduce individual body mass index and improve insulin sensitivity.1

Significance of structured support

There should be a huge incentive for people with type 2 diabetes to eat healthily – blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol are all easier to manage. However, sticking to a plan requires motivation and is easily compromised by family factors and work schedules.

Perhaps the more important advantage of a structured weight-loss plan is safety. The NHS recommends sustainable weight loss of 0.5–1 kg per week2 with support including:

  • Weekly progress charts
  • Online support community
  • Complementary exercise plans

Nestlé Health Science has a range of nutritionally complete shakes and soups to help people with type 2 diabetes control their weight. They can be integrated smoothly into a calorie restricted diet, without compromising nutritional intake.

Always advise that a calorie-restricted diet should only be undertaken with professional healthcare support and supervision.


  1. Riccardi G. Clin Nutr 2004; 23(4): 447–56.
  2. NHS 2018. Healthy weight. Available at:https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/start-the-nhs-weight-loss-plan/ Accessed November 2018.